

Delivery Inquiry

  1. QHow is the product delivered?


    1. The product will arrive at the location you requested within 3–4 days from the date of purchase (maximum of 7 days).
    2. The delivery period may slightly vary depending on the product you ordered.
    3. CJ Logistics delivers the product you purchased according to the policy of AURA. (Delivery methods may vary depending on the company and product type.)

  2. Q

    How much is the delivery fee?


    Basically, it's free of charge.
    It varies by product provider, product, and total purchase amount, and you can check the information on the sales page of each product.

  3. Q

    How do I check the delivery status after the product is ordered?


    After clicking the Order/Delivery View menu, you can check by clicking [Delivery Tracking] at the bottom of the product name. However, you can track the delivery only after the product has been sent.

  4. Q

    I ordered a product, but can't find the order details.


    1. If the order details don't show after completing the order, it is because the payment has not been completed.
    If the payment is not completed, both the order and payment approval are not made, so you cannot find the order details.
    2. The order screen will be shown after filling out all the orders from the order stage to the payment registration. At this time the order will be completed only by clicking the [Payment] displayed at the bottom. ​

  5. Q

    How do I cancel the order?


    After clicking Order/Delivery View menu, you can find [Delivery Tracking] by clicking [Order Details/Delivery View] at the bottom of the product name.
    ​However, you can track the delivery only after the product has been sent.​

  6. Q

    Can the product be delivered nationwide?


    It can be delivered to all regions, and it will take an additional 1–2 days to deliver to islands and remote areas, and additional costs will be borne by the customer for air, mail, and quick delivery.
    For more information, please contact Kakao channel, customer center, and bulletin board.

Company AURA Co.,Ltd CEO Jonglae Park
Cosmetics manufacturers and responsible distributor 302, Ga-dong, 3FL, 35, Dalseo-daero 91-gil, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Business registration number 502-86-13820   [Business registration number check]
Communication sales business report number: 2020-Daegu Dalseo-0724 Phone 1544-7284 Fax 070-7589-1811
Person in charge of personal information protection Lee Yu Kyung

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